Minggu, 26 April 2009

Yogya's Culinary

There are many street counters of foods and meals on Malioboro Street, traditional food or international food. You must smart to choose one of them, especially about the prices of the foods. You should try to find the food counter that has a price list in his menu. If you find one without a price list, it is better if you asking before take an order. It is a way to free from any cheat sales.

Warung Ngasem: This place has a prime menu: sate ayam, sate kambing and tongseng. This warung is front of the market, Ngasem, Taman Sari, Southern Square. They sell one package is about 8000 IDR.

Want you eat “Gudeg”. You can come at Suryotomo Street, behind Garuda Hotel. Along this street you can find some “Gudeg Resto”. One package is about 8000 IDR. But if you want more “Gudeg” , you cmust come to wijilan street.

Mie Pojokan. This counter place at the corner of North Square. They are only open at the night. You can eat on the street directly. The special menu is Mie Goreng and Nasi Goreng. The price is about 12000 IDR per package.

Soto Bangkong. The store is located in Malioboro Street, in front of Batik Luwes not so far from Ramai Toserba. They sell Soto, 9000 IDR per package.
Pempek Palembang. You can find some food store beside Ramai Toserba. The price is about 8000 IDR per package.

Sate Klathak. You can buy sate klathak in Karang Square, Kotagedhe. One package is about 12000 IDR.

Dining Guide
Gudeg is one of Jogjakarta's specialties. This dish is made of young jackfruit with traditional herbs, sometimes with eggs and chicken. Cow's inner skin, cooked until tender, usually accompanies gudeg with steamed rice. Most traditional restaurants in Jogjakarta sell this specialty.

Don't let the sweet taste of gudeg fool you, however, the chili sauce of Javanese food can be really, really spicy because it is made mainly from cabe rawit the spiciest chili in Indonesia.

Restaurants worth visiting in Jogjakarta:


Jalan Kyai Mojo 57

Jalan Gejayan 79D

Jalan Mondorakan 252, Kota Gede

Jalan Kaliurang Km 16 Pakem

Jalan Solo 55

Jalan Laksda Adisucipto 208

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